
History, Psychology, Sociology

Why did you apply to Coulsdon Sixth Form College?

I wanted the freedom of independence to complete my work while still being supported by teachers. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after College so I liked the diversity of courses at Coulsdon and not being on a fixed path. I selected courses which I thought I would enjoy and I am!

You are looking to study Forensic Psychology, why?

I have always had an interest in crime. I wonder why criminals commit crimes and so I want to study the science behind it more. I would like to go to university to study Psychology with Criminology.

How has the support been here at College?

The teachers have been great. If I said I don’t know something, my teachers have supported me. There are also workshops which you can attend to help with your subjects.

What have you enjoyed about your time here?

It has been wonderful to be able to study but feel relaxed at the same time. This stems from the independence you have here – organising your time yourself. I’ve also enjoyed meeting new people with similar interests to me.

What advice would you give to students looking to come to Coulsdon Sixth Form College?

The teachers are really approachable so use them. Don’t feel pressured early on to get work out quickly. Take the time to do it well and ask for help if you need to.

Chloe, 2018

Previous school: Meridian High School

Get in touch

Tel: 01737 551 176
Fax: 01737 551 282

Coulsdon Sixth Form College
Placehouse Lane
Old Coulsdon



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