Students looking at alternatives to going to University were today able to attend an Apprenticeship Fair at College.  An informative talk outlining the advantages and benefits of joining an Apprenticeship, as well as the structure of them, and how to search for the right one and make an application, preceded an extremely informative fair where students were able to speak to companies offering Apprenticeships.  Providers ranging from Fulham Football Foundation, NCS and the Army to Goldman Sachs and Chequers were present and able to inform students  about what they have on offer and what qualifications are required to be successful.

Head of College, Steve Gooch was pleased with how it went.  “We take the progression of our students very seriously and give them every opportunity of exploring different ways of moving forward after College.  Today was a good example of this and during the next month, we have more events lined up to inform them of other alternatives.”