Careers Department
Coulsdon Sixth Form College is committed to providing an outstanding programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for every student.
We equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to make aspirational, independent and well- informed further education and career decisions. Our programme is designed to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and promote equality and diversity. The College is in a partnership with the London Enterprise Partnership and is working towards the eight clearly defined benchmarks for higher quality careers education. The programme will be reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing College evaluation process.
Staff can:
- Advise and support students through the university application process (UCAS)
- Help with applications to specialist colleges eg. Art and Performing Arts Colleges
- Provide information about taking a Gap Year
- Help with work experience placements
- Advise on job and apprenticeship opportunities
- Assist with job applications, CV writing and mock interviews
- Give individual advice and guidance to students
Careers Department staffing responsibilities
Chandra Chakraborty – Head of Student Experience
Naheed Choudhary – Senior Careers Adviser
Soraya Hakim Simpson – Careers Adviser
Tina Jones – Careers & UCAS Adviser / UniConnect Outreach Officer
All students have access to impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance from the Careers Department which comprises of two fully qualified Careers Adviser and the Careers Leader for the college.
We offer: Student Entitlement
A planned programme of impartial careers information, advice and guidance offering a full range of post-16 education, training and employment opportunities
- Access to a qualified impartial and independent careers adviser
- Help to recognise your likes, dislikes, influences, strengths and preferences in relation to career decisions through the Year 12 Career Development Programme (CDP)
- Information about the world of work, business operations and ethics and how the labour market is changing
- Information about Higher Education, training, apprenticeships and employment
- Activities which challenge stereotyping and raise your aspirations
- Activities to develop skills and qualities to improve your employability
- Support to prepare you for different transitions and the world of work
- Help to develop personal budgeting skills and knowledge of financial aspects affecting everyday living, further study, HE, training and work
- Help to develop and strengthen your personal presentation skills for selection processes
- Sign posting to relevant up-to-date and impartial sources of careers information and advice (via events and email)
- Weekly access to a Personal Tutor
- Activities to understand the impact of how the world of work is changing and implications for your own career planning
- Opportunities to investigate career pathways and university requirements to develop knowledge of post-18 options
- Support to make decisions about your future, discuss your plans at a careers interview if you wish and set targets in an action plan
- Opportunities to develop a C.V. and other strategies to improve your success in selection processes
- Advice and support on gaining work experience alongside a dedicated work placement team
- Opportunities to develop and apply enterprise and employability skills in your approach to learning, work and career planning
Careers planning starts before students enrol at college and forms part of the admissions process. Students are invited to taster and pathway events prior to enrolment to find out more about their chosen courses and what opportunities they might lead to. Students have access to eCLIPS online database which enables them to search careers information and help guides on a range of topics.
Coulsdon Sixth College works in collaboration with specific universities such as Roehampton and with Linking London UniConnect Outreach Programme partner universities to provide extra support for students applying to university, for example specialist workshops and summer schools to help ease the transition to higher education and HE taster events. The college also runs a large Progression Fair in the Spring featuring universities, employers and training organisations.
Once students have enrolled at college, they receive the following careers input:
- Weekly tutorial sessions on a range of topics including information about university and apprenticeship opportunities and applications including student handbooks that will be issued on a regular basis.
- Ad-hoc speakers both in and outside of the curriculum relating to the world of work and higher education.
- Monthly careers newsletters are emailed to students about higher education, apprenticeship and other opportunities
Useful links
Students are invited to resources on the UCAS and careers pages of Moodle.
Email to book an appointment or come into the Careers Department based in Room 166. Our opening times are Monday to Thursday 9.30am – 4.00pm.
Apply now
CLICK HERE to search for courses and apply to Coulsdon Sixth Form College