On Thursday June 11th, students were treated to a visit from freelance journalist, broadcaster and radio presenter Samira Ahmed.  She wowed the audience with a fantastic presentation followed by question and answers with students.

Over 70 students from a range of subjects, sat in the Bonsier Theatre to hear from Samira as she enlightened them on the trials and tribulations of working as journalist and radio broadcaster.  She engaged them with insights into her career as a journalist including stories such as interviewing Margaret Thatcher and every Prime Minister since, as well as reporting on the Rotheram child abuse, showcasing her varied career through the years.

Samira spoke passionately about her life and career, explaining that journalism has to be something you love to do well in it.  She also explained how having the energy and commitment to follow up new leads without prejudice are key ingredients of success.

Students were able to lead a question and answer session with questions ranging from what it is like to work as a woman in an industry that is very male dominated while also being a journalist from an ethnic minority background. Samira listened while students gave their views on ‘VICE’, one of her programmes which is very popular with students.

Students were captivated throughout and really appreciated Samira taking time out of her busy schedule to come along and share her experiences with them. Principal Brett Freeman, thanked Samira for the talk before two students presented her with thank you gifts.

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Email: enquiries@coulsdon.ac.uk

Coulsdon Sixth Form College
Placehouse Lane
Old Coulsdon



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