Welcome to T-Levels

Introducing a new type of qualification in England that follow GCSEs and are equivalent to three A levels. 

T levels are a new type of qualification in England that follow GCSEs and are equivalent to three A levels. They combine classroom learning with practical experience gained through an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days). T levels were introduced to provide young people with the knowledge and skills needed to progress into skilled employment, higher-level technical study, or apprenticeships.

Why Study T-Levels at Coulsdon?

Specialist Course Design:

Our Science T level course is designed in collaboration with employers and includes core content, specialist knowledge, and industry-specific skills relevant to the sector. Assessment is through a combination of exams, practical assessments, and a final employer-set project.

Providing a Clear Pathway:

Overall, our T levels aim to offer students a clear pathway into skilled employment or further study by providing them with the practical skills and knowledge demanded by employers.

How do T-Level Grades Work?

When you pass your T-level, you’re awarded with a nationally recognised certificate showing the overall grade you achieved along with details of what you learned on the course to help you move onto your next step.

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