Oct 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
On Friday 27th September, the staff and students at Coulsdon Sixth Form College baked, bought and sold various sweet treats in order to raise money for Macmillan, the nationwide cancer support charity. Both cake sales were a success, in which the students raised £64,...
Sep 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Upper Sixth A Level Graphic Design students visited the design department at Ikea Croydon on Thursday 19 September. The aim of the trip was to gather primary research for the Retail Project module of their course. Students were treated to a tour of Ikea but from the...
Sep 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
We are proud to announce that Richard Beales, Principal of Coulsdon Sixth Form College, attended International Peace Day on September 21, in aid of the UK charity, Peace Partners. At this event, Richard proudly signed the Peace Pledge in support of the charity. The...
Aug 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Coulsdon Sixth Form College students soaring Coulsdon Sixth Form College are celebrating a fantastic pass rate of 97% for A Level and BTEC students again this year. Coulsdon Sixth Form College holds the belief that the students, when supported, can achieve to their...
Jul 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
At Introductory Day, students starting at College in September 2019, were given homework to complete over the summer. Here you will find copies of all the homework. A Level English Lang Lit A Level Spanish Summer task 2019 AS Chemistry Assignment July 2019 Biology...
Jul 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
On 27 June, the English and Performing Arts students went on a trip to see Hamlet. The performance was in the actors’ church, St Paul’s church in Covent Garden. They used the gardens and stage areas inside the church for the performance. This meant the audience got up...