The College Day

Moving from school to college is a big step, so it’s important for students to know what to expect when they arrive. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the college day, organised into specific subject areas:

Please email any further questions (that are not answered below) to and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also find out more information from our Making the Move brochure.


What do I do if I’m unwell or have a problem which prevents me from getting in to college?

Students or their parents should let the college know they are going to be absent on the first morning of their absence and any subsequent days, by emailing  

If notification is given by a student, rather than a parent, the student is required to provide written confirmation from their parent/guardian, confirming the reason for their absence.  Students who do not let the college know why they are absent or who are unable to  substantiate their reason, may risk losing their place at college.

Will I have to be at college all day?

The college day starts at 9.00am and finishes at 4.15pm (3.35pm on Fridays), with a common morning and lunch break. All lessons are compulsory, however students can go off-site during free periods. Most students can expect to be at college most of the day.

Will I have a morning and afternoon registration?

There is an electronic registration system which means students will be registered for every lesson they attend (not just AM and PM sessions) and absences will therefore be flagged immediately.

Do I have to attend all my lessons?

Yes. Attendance is compulsory at all lessons since good attendance will lead to success. Students will not be able to pass the ‘year’ if attendance falls below the minimum attendance requirement. Parents will be notified of poor attendance in a prompt and efficient manner. The College expects to receive valid and timely reasons for lack of attendance.

Lessons and study

How long do lessons last?

Each single lesson lasts 65 minutes. However, similar to school, students may have double or even triple lessons!

Will I have tutorial periods?

Yes. Every student is allocated a tutor. This will be someone who teaches them and who will therefore get to know them well. There is a timetabled tutorial period each week which is used for disseminating information and undertaking tutorial activities. Students are expected to attend all their tutorial periods.

What other classes will I have to attend?

Most students add an additional voluntary tutorial to their Study Programme to help them enhance their university and job applications (see Enhancement Programme). All students who do not have a Grade 4 or above in GCSE Maths or English are expected to re-sit them while at college and are offered additional classes to help them achieve the necessary grades. Students who do not obtain a Grade 9 – 5 at English GCSE will be asked to attend a short course in Essential Skills to help them improve their literacy and presentation skills. This will enhance their chances of achieving the highest possible grades in their chosen subjects.

Are there study facilities available for private study?

There is a Learning Resource Centre (LRC) in college with over 100 computers that can be used on a first-come, first-served basis. The ILC is staffed by fully trained personnel who can support students’ studies.

Will my lessons be covered if a teacher is away?

Yes. All Lower Sixth and Intermediate classes will be covered in the unlikely event of a teacher not being at college. Classes are not cancelled due to teacher absence.


Does the college have a canteen?

Yes. The college refectory is open every day during term-time and serves both hot and cold breakfasts and lunch.

How do I pay for food?

Payment can be made by cash or via the college’s on-line payment system, Coulsdon College Pay.  See Parents of enrolled students will be sent a letter about how to access this system at the beginning of their son or daughter’s first term.  As well as being used to top up refectory cards, the system can also be used pay for trips or for making College Fund Donations.

Students are welcome to bring packed lunches to college and can eat them in either the Refectory or in the outside eating areas.

Extra-curricular activities

Will I be able to take part in sport and other extra-curricular activities during the college day?

Yes! The college encourages all students to get involved in extra-curricular activities as a way of meeting new people, having fun, and enhancing their university or job applications. Inter-college sports fixtures take place on Wednesday afternoons and the activities offered via the Activities Programme largely take place over lunch/activity periods on Mondays to Thursdays.

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Get in touch

Tel: 01737 551 176
Fax: 01737 551 282

Coulsdon Sixth Form College
Placehouse Lane
Old Coulsdon



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